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Kategorie: Art

Negative reviews of the retrospective exhibition A damp track

Note: Read only with the knowledge that this article was written deliberately negative. Although I have to leave painters yarn dry, does not reflect my personal opinion. Conversely, I appreciate personality and work of M. Rittstein. Publish it here only because so everyone can see how it is possible to "wipe" a vety good artist.

Retrospective exhibition at the Trade Fair Palace painter to give the sun, rather than draw attention to the weaker moments in his artistic expression and revealed problems that this confident man, or perhaps not.

In the first room (and the first phase of his work), the images emerging from the human, even sheepishly and uncertain, but quite interesting. Unfortunately, the same way it is raised slightly from the first images of Rostislav Zárybnický. I do not know if we recognize the nod over the fact that Michal Rittstein afraid to admit their initial Tapani and "cribbing" from the other, or twist the head of the insolence with which exhibited Affairs established technique "obšlehnutou" senior colleague.

At the end of 70's they are trying to respond to the grim mood of the time and deal with some existential questions. The idea of a beautiful and serious work in its time no doubt makes sense, properly bleak, gray ... Today, unfortunately, these dark gray mouse viewers neoslovují power.

In 80.letech artist comes with its own invention. It seeks to ask questions, allude, crack jokes, make up absurd stories ... Some of it actually povadly, not their original idea and the forums.
Anyway, the scenes that we presented at the Trade Fair Palace, which may be open to include those less good. Creep into them too much confusion, than that in which a man confessed. I guess exciting plot, but the whole narrative is incomprehensible, incoherent plot, a story more complicate than the other.
Author increasingly "cough" in any sense of the scenes. He puts tonnes madness, the walls are full of stranges humans, each of which speaks a different language, so that is born of total chaos, confusion right of Babylon.
Images are missing any order, composition, harmony, so  not possible to keep in memory.
Sound if something somewhere pleasant (nice colors, interesting department ...), it's immediately "released at the absurdity putted on the max.
And when the screen next to the screen, the whole exhibition is so full, September more than the display window. The waterfall is a man of such scenes must inevitably drown. Even in the post-modern age, we welcome even the tiny islet in the middle of marshes drivel to which we download.

When to summarize: the jokes lost point. We enjoyed that strengthening the diaphragm, and instead feel like analfabeti. Too bad.

It appears that these in themselves are the result of patchwork painter beginning " the pixomanie" compulsive need to paint anything. I have nothing against expressive application of paints and pastes, or putting different fabrics. But it is disgasting : he use acrylic gels everywhere, and blind "they are placed on the material effect" reduces the value of works to the level zero.
Likewise, they phosphoric radiation colors - early 90.let were certainly current, new and interesting. But in the 21st century have their art somewhat overshot. Images only supplied a tempting image of a poster.
And what splitting of colors on canvas higgledy-piggledy? Come on, sir Rittstein, that we saw in Pollock ...

The recent paintings?  Unfortunately no fresh wind. Draws up is still the same model. University professor is probably already artistically exhausted?

Pottage, which was dish up  , is too bad the metallurgical and spend. The amount of colors and shapes make me fatigued . Like when you are switching to satellite televisish uion channels until it ultimately poisoned off.
With regret I have noted that in addition to fatigue Damp track left no trace in my brain's crust, or anywhere further.

And even small notice at the end: if you do not have the current art scene "in the fingertips, rather you please, go on to master something nastudovat. The exhibition about him is nothing, unless you have except a thick catalog, there is great patronize annexed.


Vloženo: 28.06.2009 Autor: Barbora Mayerová

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