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Jindřich Lípa

* Praha
Study: u ak.mal. Anny Burgetové a ak.mal. Jindřicha Hegera

<< 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ... 42, 43, 44, 45 >>

Jindřich Lípa - TUNNEL

Autor: Jindřich Lípa


Description: ABSTRACT LARGE - SIZE PAINTINGS (for modern interiors)
Collection: ABSTRACT PAINTINGS cooked to order
Size: 165 x 110 cm
Price: 19 100 Kč
Note: PAINTING MADE ON REQUEST - another size possible
Frame: DECORATIVE FRAME NOT NEEDED – painted sideways, painting looks better without a frame
Signed:  SIGNATURE – there is an author´s signature at the front of the painting and a signature label stating data needed for the proof of authorship at the back
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Doplňující fotografie:

Jindřich Lípa - WINDSTORM

Autor: Jindřich Lípa


Description: ABSTRACT LARGE - SIZE PAINTINGS (for modern interiors)
Collection: ABSTRACT PAINTINGS cooked to order
Size: 165 x 110 cm
Price: 19 100 Kč
Note: PAINTING MADE ON REQUEST - another size possible
Frame: DECORATIVE FRAME NOT NEEDED – painted sideways, painting looks better without a frame
Signed: SIGNATURE – there is an author´s signature at the front of the painting and a signature label stating data needed for the proof of authorship at the back
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Doplňující fotografie:

Jindřich Lípa - PODPORA

Autor: Jindřich Lípa


Description: Abstract large-size painting (for modern interiors)
Year: 2018
Size: 155 x 110 cm
Price: 19 100 Kč
Note: Material – canvas for paiting on a wooden frame
Frame: frame not needed – large-size painting looks good without a frame
Signed: there is an author´s signature at the front of the painting and a signature label stating data needed for the proof of authorship at the back
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Doplňující fotografie:

Jindřich Lípa - indian

Autor: Jindřich Lípa

Name: indian

Description: abstract large-size painting (for modern interiors)
Collection: ABSTRACT PAINTINGS cooked to order
Size: 110 x 165 cm
Price: 19 000 Kč
Note: PAINTING MADE ON REQUEST - another size possible
Frame: frame not needed – large-size painting looks good without a frame
Signed:  there is an author´s signature at the front of the painting and a signature label stating data needed for the proof of authorship at the back
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Doplňující fotografie:

Jindřich Lípa - training

Autor: Jindřich Lípa

Name: training

Description: abstract large-size painting (for modern interiors)
Collection: ABSTRACT PAINTINGS cooked to order
Size: 110 x 165 cm
Price: 19 000 Kč
Note: PAINTING MADE ON REQUEST - another size possible
Frame: frame not needed – large-size painting looks good without a frame
Signed: there is an author´s signature at the front of the painting and a signature label stating data needed for the proof of authorship at the back
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Doplňující fotografie:

Jindřich Lípa - feeling lucky

Autor: Jindřich Lípa

Name: feeling lucky

Description: abstract large-size painting (for modern interiors)
Collection: ABSTRACT PAINTINGS cooked to order
Size: 165 x 110 cm
Price: 19 000 Kč
Note: PAINTING MADE ON REQUEST - another size possible
Frame: frame not needed – large-size painting looks good without a frame
Signed: there is an author´s signature at the front of the painting and a signature label stating data needed for the proof of authorship at the back
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Doplňující fotografie:

Jindřich Lípa - training

Autor: Jindřich Lípa

Name: training

Description: abstract large-size painting (for modern interiors)
Collection: ABSTRACT PAINTINGS cooked to order
Size: 165 x 110 cm
Price: 19 000 Kč
Note: PAINTING MADE ON REQUEST - another size possible
Frame: frame not needed – large-size painting looks good without a frame
Signed: there is an author´s signature at the front of the painting and a signature label stating data needed for the proof of authorship at the back
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Doplňující fotografie:

Jindřich Lípa - troubled

Autor: Jindřich Lípa

Name: troubled

Description: abstract large-size painting (for modern interiors)
Collection: ABSTRACT PAINTINGS cooked to order
Size: 165 x 110 cm
Price: 18 700 Kč
Note: PAINTING MADE ON REQUEST - another size possible
Frame: frame not needed – large-size painting looks good without a frame
Signed: there is an author´s signature at the front of the painting and a signature label stating data needed for the proof of authorship at the back
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Doplňující fotografie:

Jindřich Lípa - THEY WAIT

Autor: Jindřich Lípa


Description: ABSTRACT LARGE - SIZE PAINTINGS (for modern interiors)
Collection: ABSTRACT PAINTINGS cooked to order
Size: 165 x 110 cm
Price: 18 300 Kč
Note: PAINTING MADE ON REQUEST - another size possible
Frame: DECORATIVE FRAME NOT NEEDED – painted sideways, painting looks better without a frame
Signed: SIGNATURE – there is an author´s signature at the front of the painting and a signature label stating data needed for the proof of authorship at the back
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Doplňující fotografie:

Jindřich Lípa - astronomer

Autor: Jindřich Lípa

Name: astronomer

Description: abstract large-size painting (for modern interiors)
Collection: ABSTRACT PAINTINGS cooked to order
Size: 165 x 110 cm
Price: 18 100 Kč
Note: PAINTING MADE ON REQUEST - another size possible
Frame: frame not needed – large-size painting looks good without a frame
Signed: there is an author´s signature at the front of the painting and a signature label stating data needed for the proof of authorship at the back
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Doplňující fotografie:

<< 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ... 42, 43, 44, 45 >>

Discussion vložit příspěvek

Selected paitings, photos, art. Paitings for sale.


15 700 Kč
Zelená hodina I, Zelená hodina II
Zelená hodina I, Zelená hodina II

5 000 Kč

19 100 Kč
WAR IS. . .
WAR IS. . .

12 300 Kč

15 700 Kč


Storm in blue
Storm in blue


Obrazy, naše tipy:

Pohled z okna

Rozkvitnutý svet II.

Letní pohoda

Letošní tání nad Lomnicí