“Keep building, keep searching;
Question often, strive to improve.
Do not reject the old;
Joyfully embrace the new!”
Šechtl and Voseèek Museum of Photography (http://sechtl-vosecek.ucw.cz/en/muzeum.html).
You are cordially invited to the opening of our latest exhibition:
“Historical photographs celebrating 140 years of the School of Agriculture in Tábor”
We present photographs from 1876 to the 1950s, featuring old and new School buildings, botanical garden, experimental plots, laboratories, anatomical specimens, agricultural technology, students at work and play, the Tábor exhibitions of 1884, 1902, 1920 and 1929, and views of agricultural work around Tabor.
Opening day: June 20th 2006, at 5pm
The exhibition will be opened by Tomáš Zahradníèek, historian and journalist.
The exhibition may be viewed, Monday through Friday, until the end of October 2006.